Today we present one of our itineraries IL VAJO DELL’ORSA • • • Deep c …

Today we present one of our itineraries IL VAJO DELL'ORSA • • • Deep c ...

Today we present one of our itineraries THE VAJO DELL’ORSA • • • Deep canyon dug on the slopes of Monte Baldo. The route is famous for its wild environment, its clear waters and for the various possibilities for fun: jumps, abseils, climbs and toboggans. it is divided into three paths in order to be able to respond to everyone, absolutely everyone. SO DO SWIPE ➡️ TO FULLY KNOW THE POSSIBILITIES OF FUN AND ADRENALINE THAT THIS PATH CAN PROVIDE. IF YOU LIKE CANYON YOU WILL LOVE CANYON ADDICTED! #findyouradventurewithus #canyoning #canyon #canyoning_pictures_instagram #torrentismo #torrentismoitalia #barranquismo #adventure #adventuretime #adventuretravel #experience #nature #naturephotography #exploring #explore #outdooractivity #canyon #waterfall #fallmile #guide #aig #happiness #family #familyactivities #canyoningtours

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